Sunday, January 18, 2009

Go Green


Back again in the new year with a stronger green(er) pledge. We have been using old news paper bags for the organic grocery for the last 2 years but just thought of highlighting another angle - Unconsciously we have been saving the unwanted emissions by taking the multiple orders from different customers and delivering the organic grocery on the way to many thus saving not just time for the customers but also indirectly contributing to the pollution-free campaign! Hope, to continue that and making it an Alternative Retailing Mantra.

These are small things that we are doing however, here are some familiar tips for easy reference

1. If you use your own vehicle for commuting to office, switch to office transport or other public transport. In the absence of the alternatives, you may opt to work from home atleast once or twice a week provided it doesn't hamper the work of your colleagues and your manager agrees!!

2. While commuting by your own vehicle use the correct tyre pressures and save on fuel.

3. Use CFL in the office and home and ensure that the lights and computers  are switched off when not in use. 

4. Do Rain water harvesting at home & make sure that you dont have leaky taps!

5. Here are a few car pool sites

Organic food ensures sustainable living and long term benefit for all.

Happy & Healthy New Year 2009!

OrganicImpulse Team